Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Hello or Hey (as they say where I grew up) 

I am a special education teacher and this is my 17th year teaching. As you can tell from this photo, I enjoy my job and like having fun with my students and fellow teachers and co-workers.  

I wish I that meant I was 39 but I took some time off to be with my two boys when they were young.  Alas, Max is a junior in college and Liam is a senior in high school.  
My boys in Aruba

I'll be an empty nester soon so I'm trying to prepare for this big transition by taking up old and new hobbies.  
As part of this plan, I'm taking a tech class and blogging is part of the class and may become a new hobby. I  love creating art but don't spend enough time doing what I love.  I once was a good potter but have spent my creative energy fixing up my last three houses instead.  I enjoy DIY projects and will soon paint my kitchen cabinets as I find painting very relaxing.  I just took a fused glass class and it was a blast so I'd like to pursue it.  If I could I would have a glass blowing/ pottery studio and be a full time artist.  
My pottery and glasswork

I love to travel and would love to teach abroad for a few years.  I've visited most of the states in the US, many countries in Europe, a few in South America, a few in Central America, and many Caribbean Islands. We lived in Turkey when I was seven (my father was a Fulbright Scholar). The experience was quite difficult for my parents but I just remember it as a grand adventure.  
View from hotel room in Aruba
I love spending time with my family and travel to Kentucky often to be with them.  My mother is almost 83 and has mild cognitive impairment (precursor to Alzheimers).  My mother's best friend is twenty years younger and helps take care of my mom.  Her name sums her up, Jewell.  She is like the sister I never had and I love spending time with her.  In addition, I have three brothers and we enjoy boating and jet skiing on Lake Cumberland.  
My mother and 'sister'
I love my friends!
My friends, Jen and Lori
I love my co-workers!
My EC team
Life has thrown me some curveballs but I've bounced back and I'm grateful to be alive.  It's all a learning process and now I've learned how to blog. Hope you enjoyed my introduction. 