Reflective Post #5: Digital Tattoos.
During tonight's class, we did a data mining activity to find out as much information about an assigned person in a relatively short period of time. I was not surprised by how easy it was to gather the information, nor how much personal information is online for the world to see. This is why I am hesitant to post pictures or comments on Facebook, and want to keep my iMovie and website anonymous. When I was first learning about the internet, I had a medical issue and I posted a question on a medical website. It was pregnancy related and a little embarrassing. Years later, I was divorced and dating again. A tech savvy suitor informed me that during a dating mining search, my question was one of his first discoveries. I was so embarrassed! I've been very hesitant to post anything since that incident. I know I am showing my age, but I cannot believe how much information and how many pictures that teens share online. I'm glad that embarrassing moments from my youth were not captured online.
digital tattoo
I found the data mining process enjoyable as it felt like a detective game and I love solving mysteries. The implications of the activity did leave me feeling very uneasy as anyone with ill intent is able to view, stalk, and harm us using these techniques. I was tempted to perform a data mining activity on my ex-husband, but I really didn't want to go down that path. It is really scary what can be learned about each one of us.
I googled myself and the first entry was from Find the Data and revealed my salary and other information about my teaching experience. Interestingly, it had some misinformation as well. We just cannot control all the misinformation so I guess we need to make sure we put the correct information out there as well.
I believe it is critical for children to be taught all the ramifications and consequences of their tendency to overshare. I don't think they realize that their digital tattoo will be with them forever and it may very well come back to haunt them when they try to get into college, or get a job. With parents, posting so many photos of their infants, these children need to learn how to mold their digital tattoo I think it should be a regular part of our curriculum starting at the elementary level.
Thanks for your thoughts. Yikes on the data-mining guy!