Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Blog post #2  Stages of Technology Integration:
I found the Stages of Technology Integration to reflect my personal experience with technology.  I think I am in the adaption phase but fall back into the adoption phase when learning a new tech tool.  The Entry and Adoption phases were easy as I was not challenged or frustrated.  

The current phase of adaption is rewarding yet frustrating, a true learning phase.  I love mastering a new tool and sharing it with my colleagues and friends, but the process can be painful.  This class is a perfect example of the joys and frustrations of this phase.  The new tools are great and fun, but I lack the foundational skills to navigate them with ease.  So I am often frustrated by trying to figure out how to learn those foundational skills in order to use the cool tool presented in class.  I am not native to technology and feel my age and lack of experience when I attempt to perform a task that is easy for others but aggravating for me. I've tried to keep up with technology and I'm not afraid or averse to learning but I do get lost along the way.  I tend to learn only what is necessary at the moment and want everything to be user friendly and easy.  A good example is my television.  I don't watch TV but use Netflix on my computer.  I have to ask my son to set up the cable on the television, not because I can't do it but I don't want to take the time to learn.  Instead of learning how to use Netflix on my television, I just watch the movies on my laptop. 

I took this class to push myself to move beyond my comfort zone and really explore new tools to use in the classroom.  Before embarking on my new tech adventure, I learned only what I needed  and while I was not resistant to employ technology, I didn't spend enough time dedicated to learning new tools or using them enough to become tech savvy.  For example, when the district gave every classroom a smart board, I was in the Entry phase and unhappy as it took up space and I was afraid my students might break it.  I was annoyed that it was placed in the way of my white board and didn't want it.  I started to use it to show educational videos and slowly tried it for interactive lessons.  I still need to learn more but the smart board saved me on many occasions. I realized I was moving from adoption to adaption when I started encouraging my co-workers to use google docs, created google docs of each teacher's schedule, and even became annoyed when one therapist refused to use a google doc to plan therapy times with the group. 

I hope that I can be solidly in the Adaption phase and start the Appropriation phase by the end of our technology class. I am still learning shortcuts in pages and need to learn so many foundational skills so it may take a while.  I am more excited and motivated since starting this class. When my computer was stolen this summer, I had not set up find my mac so I could not track it.  Luckily, the pawn shop ran the serial number and we were able to retrieve it but it took a month and everything was wiped off my computer.  So I tell everyone to set up find my mac and find my iPhone and I feel like a former smoker as I 'preach' to anyone that will listen about the benefits of technology. 


  1. Thanks for the reminder- I just went and verified that my "Find my Mac" was active. I love this dang thing.

    You aren't giving yourself enough credit. You are making progress every time you make a conscious decision to use a piece of technology. Many times we are ALL all over the place and refuse to learn how to program the VCR (remember that?!). I'm happy that the class is helping you to gain a little bit of confidence and ease with the technology. It's not a sprint, it's a journey.

  2. Oh...and don't forget your blog labels. If you need help ask me in class next week or ask a colleague.

    1. I wasn't sure what to label as I didn't add any files and now I don't know how to edit a blog post once published. I'll ask around before next week's class.
